Alberta - Our Blog|
Before you leave, find out the weather report. |
Apr 28, 2016 |
When you arrive at the site, watch the skies for changes and carry a compact weather radio. In inclement weather, find shelter until the worse passes. |
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Pack a first aid kit. |
Apr 28, 2016 |
Your kit can prove invaluable if you or a member of your group suffers a cut, bee sting or allergic reaction. |
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Stranger Danger |
Apr 28, 2016 |
Just because you're camping doesn't mean you're safe. Remind children and adults too that the same rules apply on the road that they do at home. Lock your doors even if you're in the RV. Tell your children: |
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Pet Safety |
Apr 28, 2016 |
More and more families are traveling with their pets. Dogs aren't the only pets that go RVing. Cats, birds, ferrets and even snakes seem to be favorite camping companions. |
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Driving Safety |
Apr 28, 2016 |
Driving Safety, The best thing about traveling in an RV is that you can stop and rest when you get tired or sleepy. Your bed is right there, as are all the comforts of home. |
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Tire Safety |
Apr 28, 2016 |
Tire Safety, One of the biggest causes of RV crashes is a blowout. What happens in most cases is a tire is either over or under inflated, causing heat to build up in the tire as the vehicle travels. |
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Safety Checklist |
Apr 28, 2016 |
It may seem silly, but a safety checklist will keep you from having to remember everything you need to check before getting on the road each day. |
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Traveling Safety |
Apr 28, 2016 |
If you haven't been RVing before you may not realize how easily things fall out of cabinets, off of shelves, or cabinets or out of bins. |
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Vehicle Safety |
Apr 28, 2016 |
Before beginning any road trip check your RV out, even if you just went camping last weekend. |
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Aspen Crossing Campground |  | 203079 RANGE ROAD 251, Mossleigh, Alberta 403-534-2129 | | View details |
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02/12/2024 |
We are now offering YouTube video advertisements on our website. Add your campground YouTube video |
01/01/2024 |
Alberta Campsites is looking for advertisers. We want you to advertise on our website, We take a |